Saturday, April 23, 2011

Five Worlds

          I live in about five different worlds. I have, of course, summed them all up into five, as it would be too difficult to explain all of the overlapping worlds, sub-worlds, and etcetera. I dearly hope that they are clearly understood.
          World 1. AKA: The World of Reality. It involves, but is not limited to: school, family, friends, world events, and my interactions with them.
          World 2. AKA: The World of Sin. We all have some sort of moral code we try to uphold. However, when we somehow end up there, you feel almost like a new person! It is quite frightening when you rise back up to the World of Reality. You realize how easy it is to descend so low, that you can barely remember where you came from. For a short while, every now and then, this dastardly world comes and invades my being. It is a terrible place to be.
          World 3. AKA: The World of my God. I am a very devoted Christian. I believe this world applies to everyone. In a way, we all practice some form of religion. Have you ever been suddenly hit with some sort of life-changing thought? Is there a temple in your head you can retreat to in the darkest of times? It is the opposite of the World of Sin. Wherever your moral code comes from, that is your World 3. When this world hits me, it is like awakening from a dream. Suddenly, I will be startled by a new idea, understand a Bible verse, or realize why I am friends with someone.  Call this world what you may, it is the core of all of us.
          World 4. AKA: The World of Fiction. It can involve many different mediums, but I am particularly speaking of the written word. It seems silly to explain the obvious, so I will sum this up quickly. There is usually a connection between the words and the reader that puts the reader straight into the story. I have been told that when I read, the expression of the characters appear on my face. In addition to reading, I am a dedicated writer. When I write, I tend to forget where I am and that these people are not real. Occasionally, I will get sad over my characters’ misfortunes, and sometimes I even get upset (usually at the author) before I realize that I put them there in the first place and that I control the entire story. Funnily enough, I have never believed that I have full control. I am so involved in this world, that I have decided that if Jane does not want to be kind to the just-shot Greg, her only ally, that I cannot make her. When writing, I think, “What would Jane do?” and never, “What will Jane do?”
          World 5. AKA: The World of Me. Your most inner secrets are revealed to all civilians in this world! Luckily, you can be a recluse, a hermit here. I do not like myself and I have plenty of reasons. I live in this world from time to time. Who can argue against that?  Me is a reason I never wish to reproduce. It is why I stopped wishing for a twin. Me is fed by the other four worlds. This particularly odd planet in turn fuels the others. It is a horrible, amazing, insane place. The World of Me is a place I never want to visit as someone else. Each individuals’ Me would probably drive all tourists mad.
          “If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats.” -Richard Bach
          “I’ll be a story in your head. That’s okay. We’re all stories in the end.” –The Doctor (From the television series, Doctor Who)

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